The skull bones encase and protect the brain, which is very delicate and subjected to pressure when the fetal head passes down the birth canal. Correct presentation of the smallest diameter of the fetal skull to the largest diameter of the mother's bony pelvis is essential if delivery is to proceed normally. But if the presenting diameter of the fetal skull is larger than the maternal pelvic diameter, it needs very close attention for the baby to go through a normal vaginal delivery.

Bones of the fetal skull -- side view facing left

Bones of the fetal skull -- side view facing left.

The fetal skull bones are as follows:

Parietal is pronounced 'parr eye ett al'. Occipital is pronounced 'ox ipp itt al'.

Understanding the landmarks and measurements of the fetal skull will help you to recognise normal and abnormal presentations of the fetus during antenatal examinations, labour and delivery.